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Probiotics: Bacillus Coagulans And Bacillus Indicus

Probiotics are  a potent ally in managing your dog’s health. Specific strains, like Bacillus coagulans and Bacillus indicus, offer a special range of benefits. 

But how do each of these strains work, how do they differ, and are there any risks? 

Let's dive into the specifics of Bacillus coagulans and Bacillus indicus for dogs …

What Are Bacillus Coagulans And Bacillus Indicus? 

First, let's talk about what Bacillus coagulans and Bacillus indicus are.

Both are species of probiotic bacteria that naturally occur in the gut microbiota of humans and animals.

Probiotics, in general, are live bacteria and yeasts that provide health benefits. They help maintain a good balance of gut bacteria, enhancing digestion, immunity and overall health.

Bacillus coagulans and Bacillus indicus are robust strains of soil-based probiotics. Bacilli are called soil-based probiotics because they’re commonly found in soil and water. B coagulans and B Indicus are two of the most common strains. Soil based probiotics can survive the harsh acidic environment of the stomach, ensuring their effectiveness when given orally. They are spore-forming … meaning they form a hard coating that protects them from heat, stomach acids and most antibiotics. 

Bacillus Coagulans Vs Bacillus Indicus For Dogs

Each strain has its distinct characteristics and functions. 

Bacillus Coagulans For Dogs 

This probiotic is widely recognized for its ability to promote gut health. It works by helping to balance gut flora, enhancing the body's natural immune response, and promoting the absorption of vital nutrients.

It’s bacteria that crowds out unfriendly bacteria. Its anti-inflammatory effects make it ideal to help manage conditions like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), and certain types of diarrhea. 

In addition to supporting digestive health, Bacillus coagulans has been studied for its potential to manage symptoms of arthritis in animals (a 2016 study shows that it improved rheumatoid arthritis in rats.)

Bacillus Indicus For Dogs 

Bacillus indicus also offers substantial benefits for digestive health, but what sets it apart is its unique ability to produce antioxidants. When it converts to spores in the intestines, it creates carotenoids, a type of antioxidant that gives fruits and vegetables their vibrant colors.

Antioxidants like carotenoids protect the body against oxidative stress, which is associated with numerous health issues, including heart disease, cancer, and early aging. By producing these beneficial compounds, Bacillus indicus not only supports digestive health but also contributes to overall vitality and longevity.

Bottom Line: While both probiotics can enhance gut health, Bacillus coagulans might be especially useful if you're also targeting joint health, and Bacillus indicus could be a good choice if you want its antioxidant benefits.

Benefits Of B Coagulans And B Indicus For Dogs 

Overall, combining these two probiotics creates three very powerful benefits…

Promotes Gut Health 

Bacillus coagulans and Bacillus indicus are champions when it comes to maintaining a healthy gut environment in your dog. These probiotics work synergistically to balance your dog's gut flora, facilitating smoother digestion and potentially relieving common digestive ailments. 

For dogs with sensitive stomachs, inflammatory bowel disease, or those prone to gas, diarrhea, and constipation, these probiotics can provide substantial relief. 

By maintaining a healthier digestive system, your dog will also likely experience less discomfort and show an overall improvement in her mood and energy levels.

Boost Immune Function 

Studies have shown that a healthy gut microbiome plays a crucial role in immune function. So your dog's immune system is closely linked to her gut health. This is because a significant proportion of immune cells reside in the gut.

Bacillus coagulans and Bacillus indicus contribute to this by competing with pathogenic bacteria for resources and space, preventing bad bacteria from proliferating. This effectively helps to fortify your dog's immune system, making her less susceptible to infection and disease.

Enhance Nutrient Absorption 

A healthy gut is not just about smooth digestion; it's also about how efficiently your dog can extract and absorb nutrients from her food. Bacillus coagulans and Bacillus indicus promote a healthy gut environment conducive to optimal nutrient absorption. 

By aiding in the breakdown of food and enhancing the absorption process, these probiotics ensure your dog gets the maximum benefit from her meals. This increased nutrient uptake can lead to improvements in skin and coat, energy levels, and overall vitality.

Mansge SIBO

These spore-forming probiotics are ideal when it comes to managing Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO). SIBO means there’s an overgrowth of bacteria that spread into the small intestine, where they disrupt digestion and nutrient absorption. 

In SIBO, giving your dog some types of probiotics will worsen the condition … feeding the bacterial overgrowth and causing further spread. If your dog’s symptoms get worse with probiotics, he might have SIBO.

Spore-forming (soil based) bacteria are a better choice if you suspect SIBO. Their protective coating keeps the bacteria intact until they safely reach the colon where they’re needed. 

How Much Bacillus Coagulans And Bacillus Indicus Can Dogs Have? 

A good probiotic will have its dosage measured in Colony Forming Units (CFUs), with dosages ranging from 1 million to several billion CFUs per day. With spore-forming bacteria like these species you can use a smaller amount of CFU than with most other probiotics, because they survive gut acidity. Look for about 1 billion CFU. 

Always follow the dosage instructions on the product label and consult with your holistic vet if you're unsure.

Risks And Cautions For Bacillus Coagulans And Bacillus Indicus 

Both of these probiotics are generally safe for healthy dogs. Most dogs will do well with a daily probiotic, especially dogs eating kibble or a high starch diet. 

Dogs with already-compromised immune systems or those on certain medications may experience adverse effects. If either of these is the case for your pup, you’re best off consulting your holistic vet before starting a new supplement regimen.

Bottom Line | Probiotics For Dogs 

Both Bacillus coagulans and Bacillus indicus are safe and potentially beneficial for dogs. 

From promoting gut health to boosting immune function and enhancing nutrient absorption, these probiotics can be a potent addition to your dog's diet. 

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