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Marshmallow Root

Marshmallow root, also known as Althaea officinalis, is an herb that has been used for centuries in traditional medicine for its soothing properties. And more importantly, it has many benefits for dogs.

Let’s take a closer look at how marshmallow root can benefit your dog ... 

What Is Marshmallow Root?

Before we dive into the benefits, let's get to know marshmallow root better. 

Marshmallow root is a perennial herb that belongs to the Malvaceae family. It’s native to Europe, Asia, and some parts of North Africa. 

The root of this plant contains mucilage, which is a gel-like substance that swells when it comes into contact with water. This unique property is key to some of marshmallow root’s benefits, as it helps give the root its soothing and protective qualities.

 Let’s take a deeper dive into the biggest marshmallow root benefits for dogs…

Marshmallow Root Benefits For Dogs

Here are just a few of the ways marshmallow root can help your dog. 

Soothes The Digestive System

One of the primary benefits of marshmallow root for dogs is its soothing effect on the digestive system. 

The mucilage in marshmallow root coats the lining of the gastrointestinal tract, providing a protective barrier against irritants and inflammation. 

These marshmallow root properties can help heal leaky gut, as well as ease symptoms of digestive issues such as upset stomach, diarrhea, vomiting, nausea and gastritis. 

Marshmallow root’s ability to relieve these problems also means it can help with symptoms of the autoimmune condition IBD, or inflammatory bowel disease, supporting the body’s ability to absorb nutrients, 

Supports Urinary Health

Marshmallow root's soothing properties extend beyond the digestive system. It can also lower inflammation and irritation, and its antimicrobial ability can reduce bacteria in the urinary tract. 

Regular use of marshmallow root may help dogs avoid urinary tract infections and provide relief to dogs suffering from UTI-related discomfort.

Eases Respiratory Discomfort

For dogs with respiratory issues like coughing or bronchitis, marshmallow root can offer relief. The herb's mucilage forms a soothing coating on the throat and respiratory tract, helping to ease irritation and reduce coughing.

It’s also an expectorant – meaning that it helps expel excess mucus from the respiratory tract – and it has antimicrobial properties that may prevent respiratory infections. 


Marshmallow root also contains compounds with anti-inflammatory effects, which can be beneficial for dogs with joint pain or arthritis. 

It may help reduce pain, swelling and discomfort associated with these conditions.

Calms Skin Irritations

If your dog suffers from skin irritations or itching, marshmallow root can be used externally as a soothing topical treatment. It can help wound healing, burns, insect bites or abscesses.

Marshmallow root dried herb or powder can be mixed with warm water and made into a paste or poultice to use topically. It can also be added to baths to alleviate itching and inflammation.

Marshmallow Root Risks and Cautions

Marshmallow root is generally safe for dogs and has no reported side effects. However, there are a couple of cautions:

Marshmallow root lowers blood sugar so don’t give it to a dog with diabetes before asking your vet about adjusting your dog’s medication levels. 

Marshmallow root can interfere with the absorption of some drugs. If your dog is on any medications, check with your vet before giving marshmallow root.

Marshmallow Root Uses For Dogs

When it comes to marshmallow root, there are several ways to use it for doga:

  1. Marshmallow Root Powder: You can sprinkle a small amount of marshmallow root powder on your dog's food. This is an easy way to incorporate the herb into his diet.
  2. Marshmallow Root Extract: Marshmallow root extract can be added to water or a carrier oil (castor oil, coconut oil, etc) and applied topically to soothe skin irritations.
  3. Marshmallow Root Tea: You can make marshmallow root tea by steeping the dried root in hot water. Allow it to cool, and then offer it to your dog in his water bowl or as a soothing drink.
  4. Topical Marshmallow Root: As mentioned earlier, you can use marshmallow root dried herb or powder to mix with warm water for topical use. 

How Much Marshmallow Root Can Dogs Have?

When it comes to giving your dog marshmallow root, it's essential to find the right dosage for your pup’s specific needs. Dosage can vary depending on the form of marshmallow root you use, as well as the health issue involved, so it's best to ask your holistic vet or herbalist ... but here are some guidelines to help you:

Marshmallow Root Dried Herb or Powder
You can add the dried herb or powder to your dog’s food, giving ½ tsp per 20 lbs of body weight, twice daily.

Marshmallow Root Tea
}If you're making marshmallow root tea for your dot, start by adding 1 teaspoon of dried marshmallow root or 2 teaspoons of fresh marshmallow root to 1 cup of hot water. Let the tea cool down, and once it reaches a slippery consistency (thanks to the mucilage), it's ready for use.

For digestive issues, begin by offering your dog 1 teaspoon of the tea at a time. You can mix it with his food or add it to some homemade bone broth for added flavor and appeal. Work up to ¼ cup of tea once or twice daily per 20 lbs of body weight. 

Marshmallow Root Tincture
If you opt for a marshmallow root tincture, make sure to choose one with 20% or less alcohol content. Alcohol can hinder the absorption of mucilage, so glycerin-based extracts (called glycerites) are the better option for marshmallow root.

Give your dog approximately 1/4 teaspoon of glycerite per 20 pounds of body weight. Depending on your dog's needs, this dosage can be repeated two to three times a day.

Remember: every dog is unique, and the response to marshmallow root may vary. So observe your dog's response to marshmallow root for signs of improvement or adverse reactions. 

You can adjust the dosage as needed, and if you have any concerns or questions, don't hesitate to seek guidance from your holistic vet.

Is Marshmallow Root Safe For Dogs? Bottom Line

Yes, marshmallow root is safe for dogs, aside from the cautions mentioned earlier. In fact, it’s a natural powerhouse with numerous benefits for your dog. From soothing the digestive system to supporting urinary health and easing respiratory discomfort, this versatile herb can help your dog in many ways. 

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